Sustainability – A topic that concerns us all
Through manufacturing processes with different materials and metals, we are in contact with raw materials from our planet on a daily basis. In this way, steel can be recycled like no other material. Since we are dealing with stainless steel with almost 40 % of our materials, we also ensure that we do not only carry out new production orders. In 2021, we worked on up to 900 repair orders and the existing fittings and components were made fit for further use. Thanks to our steel saws, we are capable of processing all metals up to a diameter of 400 mm, whether it be steel nickel-chromium alloys or non-ferrous metals. In doing so, the objective lies in the processing chain. The material is processed right down to the metal shavings.
We strive to optimise our processes not only in the area of material production. The service area, inspections of fittings are also an indispensable duty. Steam trap tests can prevent CO2 emissions. A defective steam trap can already cause a consumption of 3840 kg of CO2 emissions per year. Our trained and qualified personnel is on-site during inspections on the most diverse pipe systems to evaluate and replace the defective fittings. Regular maintenance not only helps to reduce emissions, it also reduces the system failure rate by 5 %. Preventing steam losses are therefore our top priority. Steam is considered a natural technology and is found everywhere in nature and everyday life. Click here to read more about steam technology:
How can we further optimise working with raw materials in everyday life? Thanks to the digitalisation of our business processes, we have succeeded in reducing our paper consumption by 50 % in the last few years: in 2018, we still used approx. 500,000 sheets of paper, and in 2021, it was only still around 250,000 sheets of paper. And this downward trend continues. By the way, the saved paper corresponds to about 29 trees.
To achieve our goals, we committed to the VEA-Initiative for climate-friendly medium-sized companies in 2021. As a result, we are committed to
✅ Using energy more efficiently,
✅ Using more climate-friendly energy,
✅ Supporting climate protection projects.
The objective of the VEA initiative for climate-friendly medium-sized companies is to further encourage and enable medium-sized companies to save CO2 in their operations.
Saving paper at Barthel Armaturen
How can we further optimize the use of raw materials in everyday life? According to a WWF consumer study, every German uses an average of 235 kg of paper per year. By the digitalization of our business processes, we have managed together to reduce our paper usage by 50% in the last few years: in 2018, we still used about 500,000 sheets of paper - in 2021, it was only about 250,000 sheets of paper. And the trend is continuing to fall. Our paper usage has also dropped significantly in 2022 as a result of the further digitization of process chains and routes. Last year, we saved over 50,000 more sheets of paper as a result. The paper saved is now equivalent to 34 fully grown trees. What does mature mean? Trees that are grown over years, provide oxygen and nutrients for us humans, and grow up to 30 meters high.
Tips for saving paper in the office
✅ Sign contracts, offers, and order confirmations electronically.
✅ Take it again - use the back of an old offer as a notepad, for example
Regular inspection of safety valves saves energy
Ensuring the proper functioning of safety valves requires regular maintenance and inspection. The valve represents the last mechanical instance for all monitoring devices. Failure of production plants and associated high downtime costs are the result of neglected inspections and maintenance. In the event of damages, omitted inspections can even have civil and criminal consequences.